Managing Your PCOS: Treatments You Should Know

When you have recently been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, also commonly referred to as PCOS, you may be wondering what you can and should do to manage the condition and the associated symptoms. There are many different treatment options available, both through conventional medicine and lifestyle changes, that can help you deal with your PCOS. Get to know some of these treatment options so you can be sure you put some or all of them to use for you.

Birth Control Pills

One of the biggest symptoms of PCOS is irregular or absent menstruation. The best way to manage that symptom and get your body back on a normal cycle is through the use of birth control pills. Birth control pills regulate the hormone levels in your body and can get you back on track menstruation-wise within a month or two of starting them. 

Keep in mind that it may take a few tries to get the right birth control pills to suit your body's specific needs. Choosing the right medication is not an exact science and can require some trial and error. Your body's needs may also change over time requiring updates to your birth control medications.  

Testosterone Antagonists

Many women with PCOS suffer from high levels of testosterone in their body. While birth control pills can help to increase the female sex hormones in your body, you will need other medications to lower those levels of testosterone.

Testosterone antagonists are medications that will counteract or cancel out the testosterone your body is producing and hopefully reduce those testosterone levels in your blood. This can help to reduce unwanted facial and body hair growth that often occur with PCOS. 

Low-Carbohydrate Diets

In addition to medical treatments that can help to manage the hormone levels in the body, there are lifestyle treatments and alternative therapies that can help you manage your PCOS symptoms. One of these options is to try a low-carbohydrate diet. Two of the symptoms or side effects of PCOS are weight gain and problems with insulin-resistance, which can lead to diabetes. 

A low carbohydrate diet can help with these symptoms and even prevent you from developing diabetes as a complication of your PCOS. Keep in mind that this diet does not mean that you cannot eat carbs at all but rather that you should try to limit and manage your intake of carbs, especially those that are processed like white rice, pastas, and the like. 

Now that you know more about some of the treatment options available to you for your PCOS, you can give them a try and see if you get your symptoms under control. 
